komplezim septic

biological product for effective biodegradation


Biodestructor Komplezim Septic - biological product for effective biodegradation and disposal of organic waste in septic tanks, cesspools, manure storages, processing livestock buildings in the presence of animals, as well as to improve sanitary and hygienic conditions.

The composition of the drug includes a specially selected association of specific strains of microorganisms of the genus Bacillus in an amount of at least 1*109 CFU/g and a complex of enzymes with high activity and resistance to uric acid and chemical pollution.


The composition of the microbiological preparation includes bacteria and micromycetes.

Bacteria suppress pathogenic microflora (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, etc.), which interferes with normal composting and is very harmful to humans.

Micromycetes are excellent organics destructors. They convert nitrogen from the active form to a stable, up to 90% form bound by humic acids. Disinfect the unpleasant odor. Plant and animal residues are converted to humus.

All bacteria and micromycetes of the drug are isolated from soil microflora, they are the main producers of humus.

Composting organic waste with the help of microbiological preparations will reduce the nutrients in the compostable mass, transfer and fix the nutrients in a form accessible to plants, suppress all pathogenic microflora (up to 45 days), destroy all weed seeds in the material, refuse mineral fertilizers, grow good and organic harvest.

Under the influence of a complex multicomponent complex of microorganisms and enzymes, accelerated natural neutralization of pollution in wastewater, manure storage and sewage systems occurs. In a short time, the volume of waste is reduced and disinfected. In waste of animal origin, the development of pathogenic microflora is suppressed, unpleasant odors are neutralized, the percentage of germination of weed seeds is reduced.

The use of the Komplezim C biodestructor for the disposal of effluents on farms and in private farms allows you to:

 By 5-7 days, reduce the saturation of unpleasant odors around the livestock complex, including when making manure in the fields. This will remove the social tension of the population from the nearest settlements.

 To reduce the formation of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide inside utility rooms, will favorably affect the general well-being of animals.

 To reduce the content of pathogenic microflora indoors, which will lead to a decrease in the incidence of animals, an increase in the safety of the livestock, and an increase in average daily growths.

 Eliminate viscous bottom sediment of bedless manure in sedimentation tanks and lagoons.

 To increase the operating life and reduce the maintenance of sewer systems.

 To prevent excessive dilution of wastewater with water (when flushing manure from bathtubs, canals) - save the cost of process water, fuel, lubricants, personnel and equipment when adding «excess» water from the purulent accumulator to the fields.

 To reduce the yield of livestock waste from the complex and improve their physicochemical parameters (balanced composition according to NPK, decrease in germination of weed seeds, decrease in the content of heavy metals).

 Reduce the ripening time of manure or making ready-made compost.

 Reduce the negative impact of livestock complexes on the atmosphere and reduce environmental charges.

The introduction of the drug can occur in the presence of animals.

Biodestructor Komplezim Septic contains non-pathogenic forms of microorganisms!


Processing baths with liquid manure

Preparation of working solution:
Dissolve 20 g of the preparation in 10l of warm (25-30 °C) non-chlorinated water. Soak at room temperature for 15-20 minutes, mix.

Initial treatment:
evenly process (using a backpack sprayer or irrigation systems, if any) with a working solution of the drug at the rate of 10 l of working solution per 1 1 cubic meter. manure, or at the rate of 20g Komplezim Septic per 1 head per month. Re-treatment 14 days after the start of operation of the system: 5-10l of working solution for every cubic meter of manure.

Composting or laying solid manure

Preparation of working solution:
Dissolve 20g of the preparation in 10l of warm (25-30 °C) non-chlorinated water. Soak at room temperature for 15-20 minutes, mix.

Initial processing:
when laying, evenly layer by layer with a working solution (using a backpack sprayer or a spreader with a sprayer) of the preparation at the rate of 10l of working solution per 1 cubic meter. manure. Weekly treatment: evenly when stirring (if possible) 5 l of working solution for every cubic meter of manure.

Caution! It’s important to monitor the humidity of the compost.

Humidity of the composted mass should be at least 60%.

If humidity is less than 60%, you need to moisten compost additionally with water.

The working solution of the drug should be used during the day!